2012年9月17日 星期一

Canning Venison - An Easy Way to Preserve the Product of Your Successful Hunt

Most people don't realize just how easy canning venison can be. Works for canning elk too. I remember checking out what would be involved with canning the wild game my guys brought home from hunting camp. I could not believe it would be as easy as the information I was finding made it out to be. Cut it up, put it in a jar and pressure can it? Surely there is more to it than that! Well there is a little bit more.... but not much.

I wish I would have started canning meat years ago. Each year I worried about having enough freezer space. When I started canning part of the meat we had, I freed up a lot of space for other things.

I don't can all of this meat. You know just how much meat is on an elk right? We save the choice cuts of meat for steaks and roasts. But the less tender cuts all go for jerky, sausage and canning, both ground and cubed.

Benefits of canning vs freezing

* Less worries about freezer space.

* Pressure canning the less tender cuts makes them more appetizing.

* Canned meat is ready to go at a moments notice. No defrosting time!

These are directions for an easy raw packed method for canning venison.

1. Slice meat into strips about 1 inch thick. Then cut into chunks the size you desire. Cubed is a convenient size.

2. Pack your chunks of meat into hot jars, leaving 1-inch head space.

3. Add canning salt if desired. 2 tsp per quart as desired. You can also layer onions into your jars with your meat. Do not add liquid! Seriously. This was the hardest part for me to get. You really don't have to add add liquid. The meat will produce its own juice.

4. Wipe the rims of your jars clean. Place the warmed canning lids and screw bands on the jars.

5. Place filled jars in your preheated pressure canner. Follow pressure canning instructions.

6. For altitudes less than 1000 feet process at 10 pounds pressure. Process Quarts - 1 hour 30 minutes. Process pints - 1 hour 15 minutes. Don't forget to adjust the pressure requirements for your altitude.

That's it! So easy. But remember for safety you really MUST use a pressure canner and you MUST use proper pressure for your altitude.

A pressure canner must reach a temperature of 240 degrees Fahrenheit in order to stop botulism. To compensate for altitude differences, you must increase the amount of pressure used. The time does not change, only the pressure used. You'll need to add 1/2 pound pressure for each 1,000 feet above sea level.

Use canned venison or canned elk in stews, meaty soups, and even chili. You could use it to make Sloppy Joe's and killer Enchiladas. Enjoy your venison!

For more canning venison recipes check out http://www.simplycanning.com/canning-meat.html Included are directions for canning venison already browned and hot packed. Find complete http://www.simplycanning.com/pressure-canning.html instructions, tips, techniques, safety advice, canning recipes and more.

I am Sharon wife to Tim and mom of 4 sons. We are an active hunting family. Much of our meat is provided by the men of hunting age in our family. Our garden also provides produce for healthy home canned foods year round.

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