Monosodium Glutamate, otherwise known as MSG, has been linked to a wide variety of illnesses. Everything from headaches to chest pain, and even breathing problems for those who suffer from asthma are just a few of the bad side effects. Pressure canning completely eliminates MSG from the food because you simply don't use it at all during the canning process. You do have to be careful if you don't create your own spice blend when canning, as some of the store bought canning mixes do include it in their blends.
People that are sensitive to Monosodium Glutamate may experience different bad side effects at different times, too. Depending on their personal body chemistry and their health level, the results of ingesting MSG can vary. For instance, someone who has high blood pressure problems may feel a rapid heartbeat. Individuals that suffer from arthritis can have increased swelling and aches in the muscles as though they have the flu. It can even produce neurological problems such as depression, anger management issues, migraines, panic attacks, and insomnia is people that as sensitive or already having problems such as those individuals suffering from fibromyalgia or any type of mental disorder.
Pressure canning can help completely alleviate all of these bad side effects by preserving your foods, home grown or purchased at a farmers market or grocery store, in a healthy way. You will find that using a pressure canner is simple to do and your food will taste significantly better than anything you ever purchase from a grocery aisle. Pressure canning correctly will also leave more of the nutrients in your foods as it is not completely processed out.
The initial cost of pressure canning quickly pays for itself, particularly if you are a home gardener or even if you buy in bulk from a farmers market. Another way might be if you have an overabundance of one food, say tomatoes, you can trade with another gardener for their overabundance of green beans. If you do not have enough space for a garden yourself, community gardens work well. Community gardens where everyone chips in on the weeding and various gardening tasks along with the price of seed can keep your costs much lower as the food is divided amongst those that actually worked the soil and produced the food.
Simply put, if you really want to get rid of the Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) from your life, pressure canning is the best way to store nutritious food and get the job done. It's safer than water baths, the costs are recouped quickly, and it makes for a fun way to get the family involved in a healthier, happier lifestyle.
Linda Sweeney is excited to know that you are interested in home canning and better nutrition by eliminating MSG. See the latest pressure canners [] at [].
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